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Camelback Counters are Helping to Reach the Unreachable in Pakistan While Conducting the Census

In preparation for Pakistan’s next national census, the government has come up with a unique solution for counting the population in remote and hard-to-reach areas that is using camelback counters.

What are Camelback Counters?

Camelback counters are individuals who use camels as their mode of transportation to reach remote areas of Pakistan. These counters travel long distances on camelback, carrying census materials such as forms and questionnaires, to conduct the census in these areas. The camelback counters are trained to carry out the census in a way that is accurate and efficient.


The use of camelback counters is not a new concept in Pakistan. In fact, it has been used in previous censuses as well. However, the use of these counters has gained renewed attention in recent years, as the government looks for innovative ways to conduct the census in remote areas.

Last Census in Pakistan

Pakistan’s population has been rapidly increasing over the past few years. To get an accurate count of the population, Pakistan conducts a national census every decade. The last census was conducted in 2017, and now the government is gearing up for the next census in 2023.

However, counting the population in remote and hard-to-reach areas of Pakistan can be a challenging task. The use of camelback counters helps to overcome this challenge by enabling the government to reach areas that are otherwise difficult to access.


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The camelback counters are not only responsible for conducting the census but also for educating the local population about the importance of the census. They explain the purpose of the census and how the information gathered will be used to improve the lives of the people in their communities.

Other Innovative Methods

In addition to using camelback counters, the government is also using other innovative methods to conduct the census. For example, it has introduced an online system for data collection, which allows citizens to fill out the census form online. This online system is expected to reduce the time and cost of data collection and increase the accuracy of the census.

The census is a critical tool for policymakers and planners in Pakistan. It provides information on the size and distribution of the population, as well as valuable data on demographic trends and social indicators such as literacy rates and access to basic services like water and electricity.

The results of the census will be used to guide the development of policies and programs in Pakistan. For example, the data collected will help the government to plan for infrastructure development, healthcare services, and education facilities. The census data will also be used to ensure that resources are allocated fairly and that all citizens have equal access to basic services.


The use of camelback counters is just one example of the innovative methods being used to conduct the census in Pakistan. The government’s commitment to ensuring that every citizen is counted, no matter how remote their location, is an important step towards achieving a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the country’s population. It is hoped that the data collected through the census will help to guide development policies that improve the lives of all Pakistanis.

About the Author: Smaa Khalid

Hi, I'm Smaa Khalid, a post-graduate in Clinical Psychology and a writer with over 4 years of experience. I'm passionate about exploring and understanding human behaviors and creating insightful content on a variety of topics. As a writer, I'm committed to deliver accurate and engaging content that is accessible to a wide audience. I believe that promoting awareness is crucial and my work reflects this belief. Through my writing, I hope to inspire readers to take proactive steps towards improving their understanding of themselves and the world around them.

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