Microsoft surpasses Apple as world's most valuable firm

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Microsoft surpasses Apple as world’s most valuable firm


In the fast-paced realm of technology, where companies vie for supremacy, a seismic shift has occurred. Microsoft has not only surpassed Apple as the world’s most valuable publicly traded company but has done so with an unprecedented market capitalization of $2.89 trillion. This triumph, breaking a hiatus since 2021, beckons us to explore the intricacies behind this monumental shift and understand the diverse trajectories of these two tech titans.

Microsoft’s Ascension

The ascent of Microsoft to the summit of market value is a testament to strategic prowess and innovation. At $2.89 trillion, Microsoft’s market capitalization now outshines Apple’s $2.87 trillion, signifying a significant shift in investor sentiment and confidence.

Factors Driving Microsoft’s Growth

  1. Strategic Investments in AI: Central to Microsoft’s recent success is its forward-thinking investment in OpenAI. This strategic move has not only enhanced its suite of productivity software but has also ignited a remarkable rebound in the cloud-computing business.
  2. Execution and Earnings Growth: Unlike Apple, Microsoft has displayed strategic execution and demonstrated earnings growth, garnering favor among investors. The company’s clear roadmap, particularly in Artificial Intelligence (AI), has proven pivotal in securing its position as the leader in the tech landscape.
  3. AI’s Challenge to Google: Microsoft’s foray into AI has positioned it as a formidable challenger to Google’s dominance in web search. This development further amplifies the significance of Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI, opening new avenues for competition and innovation.


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Apple’s Stumble

In stark contrast, Apple, once synonymous with innovation and unparalleled consumer demand, has encountered stumbling blocks on its journey.

Apple’s Challenges

  1. Smartphone Demand Woes: Apple’s shares have witnessed a 3% dip in 2024, primarily attributed to concerns about smartphone demand. The slow recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in China and the resurgence of competitors like Huawei have taken a toll on iPhone sales.
  2. Valuation Concerns: Both Apple and Microsoft are currently trading at high valuations, but Apple’s forward Price-to-Earnings (PE) ratio of 28 stands notably higher than its 10-year average of 19. On the other hand, Microsoft’s PE ratio is 32, above its 10-year average of 24, indicating a more conservative valuation approach.

The Numbers Game

To comprehend the scale of this shift, let’s delve into the numbers, examining the performance and projections for both companies.

Microsoft vs. Apple Performance

While Microsoft has experienced a commendable 3.3% rise in 2024, fueled by ongoing optimism in AI, Apple has faced a 3.4% drop amid concerns about its growth trajectory.

Analyst Insights

Analysts view Microsoft more favorably, suggesting the potential for sustained growth. The average price target for Microsoft indicates an 8% upside over the next 12 months, slightly surpassing Apple’s return potential. This insight positions Microsoft as a more attractive investment opportunity in the eyes of many experts.

Future Outlook

As Microsoft solidifies its position at the pinnacle, it now sets its sights on the coveted $3 trillion market valuation, a milestone only previously achieved by Apple. Both companies remain integral players in the S&P 500, collectively accounting for around 14% of the index.

Tech Landscape Beyond

While Microsoft and Apple dominate the narrative, other tech behemoths also cast significant shadows. Saudi Aramco, Alphabet Inc., Inc., and Nvidia Corp. all boast substantial valuations, collectively shaping the ever-evolving landscape of the global tech industry.


In the dynamic world of technology, Microsoft’s ascent to the throne as the most valuable company underscores the importance of strategic vision, execution, and prowess in cutting-edge technologies like AI. As the tech saga unfolds, the narrative of these giants continues to script the future of innovation and market dynamics, leaving us eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this gripping tale of technological evolution.

About the Author: Abdul Moiz Sheikh

Abdul Moiz Sheikh has a BBA in Project Management and 2 years of experience in content writing and article writing. Combining academic knowledge with hands-on insight, he's known for his analytical skills and compelling narratives. Abdul distinguishes himself in the writing industry.

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