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Mentioning Pakistan and the Metaverse in the same sentence seems a bit inappropriate, right? The former is a developing nation caught in what seems to be an endless cycle of economic and geo-political unrest, while the latter is an impending peak of human technology. Pakistan appears to be the final nation to join the Metaverse in any form or shape.What is Metaverse?

Metaverse is the successor of today’s internet. Imagine it as a world of linked virtual words. Users will be able to switch between worlds in the same way that smartphone users switch between apps on their portable devices.

It is not only a virtual replica of your existing life but a range of improbable alternate realities with psychological implications. The way people interact with technology, one another, and the rest of the world, will change as a result of this. Ultimately, it will even change the way we think about the world.

Pakistan’s Presence in Metaverse & Its Advantages               

When there is a high demand for something, those who can offer it will profit greatly. So, it makes sense to set oneself up for an impending future. During the digital revolution, several nations experienced a change in fortune because of this fundamental idea. Two significant examples of this are from Pakistan’s neighborhoods: India and China.

Pakistan needs to exclusively focus on the technologies that are shaping the future of country. So, in light of that here are some suggestions:

  • Creating Think Tanks

The state needs to learn more about the Metaverse before creating successful policies. So, creating focused think tanks comes first. The analysis and suggestions from think tanks will assist the state in carefully drafting an official policy.

  • Formulating Metaverse Policy

Why is this policy necessary? First and foremost, to benefit from the emerging Metaverse economy. Second, to control virtual encounters that might have negative psychosomatic outcomes. Third, to talk about the gathering, use, rights, and consequences of data. Compared to social media, metaverse will gather a lot more user information. Nearly every action, phrase, facial expression, and a lot more will be captured by cameras, microphones, and other sensors in Metaverse. Before internet companies sweep in and pressurize government officials into signing contracts that enslave its virtual future under the guise of globalization, it urgently needs a Metaverse Policy.

  • Incentivize Service Providers

Pakistan has a flourishing industry of computer service companies. Its main source of income is creating websites and apps for international customers. The government can encourage this developer community to begin building a portfolio of Metaverse initiatives by offering incentives. By doing this, a sufficient number of Pakistani service providers will eventually adapt to the Metaverse tech stack, giving the nation a long-term competitive advantage.

Which Industries in Pakistan Can Get Benefit from Metaverse Technology?

Game development start-ups from Pakistan’s tech industry are an obvious answer. What about beyond the apparent, though? Let’s look at that!

  • Real Estate

Explaining it through an example would be a lot better. The biggest real estate corporation in the UAE, Damac, announced a $100 million investment in metaverse technology in July. The GM of Damac provided an explanation of the investment’s justification, “we sell AED 100 million each month via Zoom calls without any immersive technology. We can sell AED 700-800 million a month to clients in California, New York, or Miami, thanks to the Metaverse”. Given Pakistan’s Real Estate Market’s appetite for foreign investment, this justification also partially holds true for Pakistan.

  • Education

Covid-19 imposed “Zoom School” for everyone, but we quickly saw that it couldn’t take place of an actual classroom presence. Metaverse excels in this area. Virtual reality that is fully immersive goes beyond video calls and gives you the impression that you are actually there. Top-tier Pakistani Universities can therefore establish one or more courses that were taught entirely virtually by utilizing this impact. Entry-level VR gadgets cost about what mid-range smartphones cost. As a result, purchasing a dozen VR gadgets for educational purposes is not out of the question for prestigious Pakistani Universities, Institutions, or Schools. By doing this, the groundwork will be laid for these institutions to use Metaverse in unexpected ways.

  • Crisis Relief

Natural disasters and humanitarian problems are nothing new to Pakistan. In these situations, donations are essential, but donor fatigue is also growing every day. This is where Metaverse can help. Potential contributors may be able to see the catastrophe personally, as if they were there.


They just need to put on a VR headset and explore an affected area. There is currently a growing corpus of scholarly research and psychological trials that support the technology’s ability to foster empathy. Disaster aid workers in Pakistan should also pay attention to the matter.

  • Tourism

Imagine watching 3D videos and experiencing immersive VR that makes feel like a flying bird above Gilgit-Baltistan Valleys, realistically scaling Himalayan peaks, or exploring Pakistan’s top camping locations. Anyone in the world would be able to enjoy a portion of Pakistan’s natural beauty from the comfort of their homes thanks to technology. Such marketing would unavoidably spark a lot of curiosity and actively support Pakistan’s Tourism Industry.

About the Author: Marium Qureshi

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